Solar Tracking System

 Solar Tracking System

Dual Axis Solar Tracking System, Servo Motor for rotate system follow sun, LDR sensors to get signal from sun

Professor: Dr. Kwanghoon Kim, Kanha UON


Department of Telecommunication and Electronic Engineering Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Abstract – The purpose of this studying is to build an algorithm to get high energy of solar                                     follow sun. Using algorithm, we can determine the value of each LDR sensor to control servos motor for moving system.

    Keywords: Arduino Uno, LDR sensors, Servo Motor, Solar Panel, CN3791 MPPT Solar Charger.

        I. Introduction

    This report specified on solar follow sun of system provided from LDR sensors and translate the result into the motion of system to follow sun by using Servos Motor. The reason for learn this project is to get high energy by use dual-axis tracking system. Tracking mechanism ensures that the surface of the PV cell is always perpendicular to the solar radiation allowing on optimum power extraction from the sun.

LDR sensors as the input sensor that are get signals or information from the sun from instruction Springer [1][2] and then sent its light intensity to control servos motor from StackExchange [3] that can rotate or moving toward the side of the higher light intensity of any LDR sensor follow algorithm that instruction from Scientific Research Publishing [4]. For the hardware of system are from Thingivers [5].  

        II. Prepare the Components

A. LDR Sensor or Photoresistors

         In Fig.1 (a) use LDR sensor to get light intensity from sun. it is a component that has a variable resistance that changes with the light intensity that falls upon it. Getting light intensity of LDR sensor, ATmega328P microcontroller which has 10 bits converted measured LDR sensor output into analog value in range of 0-1023 [1].

Fig.1. a. LDR sensor or Photoresistor b. Schematic of LDR sensor

        As shown in Fig. 1 (b) to measure value of LDR sensor that get light intensity from sun, we use analogRead() such as analogRead() of RL (anlg RL). These digital values are converted into voltages within in the range of 0-5V which depends on the value of Vs. 

          In Fig.2 it means, when Resistance value is large that light intensity is small and via [2].

Fig.2. Graph between intensity of light and resistance of LDR

B. Servo Motor

         In Fig.3: we use servo motor to control whole system of solar tracking system. To servo motor have motion, when input signals of LDR sensor from sun sent to Arduino and it calculated and transform to servo motor to move follow angle of calculating that servo motor moving toward the side of LDR sensor that higher intensity.

Fig.3. SG 90g Servo Motor


       To calculate angle of servo motor, we use map() function in Arduino IDE. Angle of servo motor can move between range 0-180 degree. To use map(), we need to have a value of LDR sensor to compare of range input of LDR sensor that came from read analog pin range 0-1023, and range output of servo motor range 0-180 [3].

            To calculate angle of servo base on value of LDR sensor.

            Angle = map (value_LDR_1, 0, 1023, 0, 180)                (1)

            Calculating angle of Servo Motor:

-                   If value_LDR_1 = 500

        è (500/1023) *180 = 87 degree

        - If value_LDR_1 = 700

        è (700/1023) *180 = 123 degree

         And to know position of before servo, we use

       After get angle of servo motor, we need to create functions to control servo depend on angle that calculated to it moving toward that angle.

C. Arduino Uno

Fig.4. Arduino Uno R3

            In Fig.4, Arduino Uno is component that important for this project, it is microcontroller or brain of system. We use it to control LDR sensors by connecting to analog pin and Servos Motor connecting to PWM pin of Arduino Uno.

D. Solar Panel

         In Fig.5 solar panel is actually a collection of solar (or photovoltaic) cells, which can be used to generate electricity through photovoltaic effect. And Solar panels are those devices which are used to absorb the sun's rays and convert them into electricity or heat. It has 2 wire which connect to CN3791 MPPT.

Fig.5. Solar Panel 200x170 mm

E. CN3791 MPPT Solar Charger

         In Fig.6 CN3791 MPPT Charger is a solar charger used for single cell lithium battery maximum power point tracking (MPPT). We use it is to ensure that the light intensity changes and the photovoltaic cells output maximum power to make full use of solar energy. Generally, it is necessary to use a switch-mode DC-DC converter to realize the MPPT function, keeping the output voltage and charging current product maximized (output).

Fig. 6. CN3791 MPPT Solar Charger

        As shown in Fig.6 of MPPT Solar Charger have 3 parts for connecting to solar panel in to get energy from sunlight and have 3 parts for connecting to batteries can take power to use.

F. Another Components

  • Batteries

         In Fig.7 (a) use battery 9V to support Arduino Uno 5V. and In Fig.7 (b) need to other batteries to store power energy from solar panel.
Fig.7. a. 9V Battery Snap Connector & DC Jack

Fig.7. b. Battery for Store Energy

  • USB Arduino

                            Use USB wire to upload code to Arduino Uno. 

  • Breadboard

        Use breadboard is component support to connect between LDR sensors pin, servos motor, and power supply.
  • Jumper Wire

                    Use jumper cable to connect hardware together.

III. Wiring Hardware

    In Fig.8 (a) A 9v battery is used to power the project and are connected to power jack port. The power is used to support Arduino, Servos motor, and LDR sensors and resistances are 10k which are operating 5v. Other hardware such as a USB cable are connected via the USB port, and we use jumper cable to connect hardware together.
Fig.8. a. Diagram for Hardware of control servo

Fig.8. b. Diagram for Hardware of storing energy

                  In Fig.8 (b) we use to CN3791 MPPT are connect to solar panel and battery to store energy.

IV. Model Solar Tracking

          The below have under part and on part of Solar tracking system, we use for testing the algorithm based on the model that have a lot of parts combined together such as Tracker Base (position servo1 or base), Base Gear and Panel Mount (position servo 2), Horz Servo Gear (connect to servo 1), Vertical Servo Gear (connect to servo), Shaft 1 (for connect to between base gear and panel mount, tracker base), and Shaft 2 (connecting of base gear and panel mount, support solar panel) in Fig. 9 (a).







        For Support panel (Black) and Panel Bracket (Yellow) for support solar panel LDR Divider (for mask sensor) which are 3D printed with ABS materials as Fig.9 (b) [5].

Fig.9. a. Composition of the solar tracker (Position Servo)

Fig.9. b. Composition of the solar tracker (Support Solar Panel) 

IV. Determining the Path

         The project software required signal input calculation and processing them using algorithm of controlling servo motor by came from light intensity of LDR sensor which write code within the Arduino IDE.

Fig.10. Block diagram of algorithm for solar tracking system

         As shown in Fig.10, the algorithm first, we need to calculate light intensity of LDR sensors in 100 or other value loops because LDR sensor fast in get light from the sun and then calculating average of each LDR sensor to get a data. After that calculating on angle of any LDR sensor if it is more than another. Finally, we control servos by dependent on angle of servos, it moves toward side the higher than light intensity.

A. Different of each LDR sensor in other distance

                    Fig.11. Table of Light Intensity and Different of each LDR sensor

                As shown in Fig.11 light intensity of each LDR sensor are different because of distance of LDR sensor from source light. And different of LDR sensors is also differ too.

Fig. 12. Graph of each LDR sensor

          In Fig.12 shown that different of (LDR 1 and 2) and (LDR 3 and 4) are small and simular, different of LDR 1 and 4 is bigger than differ of (LDR 1 and 2) or (LDR 3 and 4), and differ of (LDR 2 and 4) is the biggest.

B. Program Execution Flowchart [4]

Fig.13. Algorithm for automation mode of the solar tracker

       In Fig.13 shown about algorithm of coding in Arduino IDE. Value which compared in algorithm come from testing of each LDR sensor in different distance as Fig.11.

C. Result

                                                            Fig. 14. Picture of testing result

                    As shown Fig. 14 is picture of testing hardware and algorithm this project.

v. conclusion

          Both single-axis and dual-axis are highly efficient in terms of the electrical energy output when compared to the fixed mount system. The main contributions of this work are two axis solar tracker prototype that uses four sensors to predict the sun apparent position. The Arduino and Tinkercad Website help to make the circuit not so difficult, which save a lot of time and energy. In this system further research is needed to make the system more precise and complete.

            All the objectives have been achieved which are, firstly, to have or design a model of dual axis solar tracker by using software. Secondly, to program the micro-controller on Arduino (ATmega 328 p) so that rotation of Servos motor can be controlled by microcontroller. Thirdly, to investigate the voltage differences from the LDR sensor based on intensity of light received by the sensor.

Future Work

       In the future I want to development software and hardware make it could be interesting and good well, using real life devices which we can use it in real life.


        After I do this project, I learned a lot from this project about controlling Servo motor, using LDR sensor, Arduino Uno, Solidwork software for draw 3D print, and using 3D printed machine and other knowledge such as new feel of doing it, any experiences that I learned.


[1]       V. Dadi, 2020, Optimization of light-dependent resistor sensor for the application of solar energy tracking system, error=cookies_not_supported&code=e20bda53-ddf4-4a4d-a089-563131c3fb59, August 11-2020.

[2]        From eTechnophiles website, graph between intensity of light and the resistance of LDR, Graph of LDR sensor.

[3]       From Arduino Stack Exchange, 2018, How to use map function, map() Function, December 18-2018.

[4]     Mohd Alifi Jush, 2017, Development of Microcontroller-Based Solar Tracking System Using LDR Sensor, paper, November 07-2017.

[5]      From Thingverse, 2013, 3D printed of Dual-Axis Tracker System, 3D printed, February 23-2013.


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